wire for trailer lights

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jewel of the wild
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wire for trailer lights

Post by jewel of the wild »

can someone tell me how to wire my voyager for trailer lights . my trailer has a 6 plug connection. thank you. glen
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Pure Pork
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Re: wire for trailer lights

Post by Pure Pork »

The first step would be to determine what functions the trailer wires perform. Does it have 6 wires in the connector being used? Do you have separate turn signals from the brake lights? You should be able to perform a simple test of each wire to determine what it does with a battery and some jumper wires. Determine which one is ground and connect it to the negative on the battery and then touch the positive jumper to each of the other wires to see what lights up. On a rubber plug, the ground is the female socket on a trailer end. if Its a metal connector, the ground should be the socket that is larger than the others, if its wired correctly. You need to determine these things first, then proceed to the wiring from the bike. This is a topic that has been discussed before and should be easy enough to get your answers.
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Re: wire for trailer lights

Post by Nathan (South Carolina) »

These links may give you an idea on how your trailer is wired:
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Charlie from Illinois
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Re: wire for trailer lights

Post by Charlie from Illinois »

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