I.B.A. Rides

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I.B.A. Rides

Post by Danger4u2 »

We started talking about Iron Butt Association rides in a thread in the Tech Tips section so I thought I would move it here.
Here's what we were talking about.....
dsmmrm wrote:
Danger4u2 wrote:Thanks guys, I'll try the 3 quarts 22 oz. and let you know where it settles. Since my bike is new to me I watched the oil for the first few thousand miles.
Like most Kawi's if it's not leaking or burning it's ok. Unless it's a KLR650. Mine was a 2007 the last year of the Gen.1. Never saw any smoke and it didn't leak. But if you run them at 75 to 80 mph for long periods of time they use a little oil. I used the KLR for an SS1000 2017 Solar Eclipse Gold IBA ride. It used about half a sight glass in 1055 miles on that ride.
Good God, man. You rode a KLR for 1055 miles? Do you still have the stock vinyl suppository they call a seat on it? You should get credit for 2,000 at the very least. Road miles on a KLR are like dog years. Off the beaten path, however, it's a different story. I miss mine but the most mileage I have ever been able to endure in one day was 500, give or take a few.
KX500 is Danger4u2
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Re: I.B.A. Rides

Post by Danger4u2 »

I answered with......

Yes, of the 13 IBA rides I've done, that was the hardest on my body. I had the Corbin flat seat. Better than a stock KLR seat but only by 25%.
I met more people on that KLR than any other bike I've had. I should say more people that I still ride with. I bought it new in late '06, it was an '07.
I put a little more than 27,000 on it before I traded it for my '95 Voyager XII. I've done 2 IBA's on the Voyager. An SS1000 to Midland,TX and back to Okc.
Then, on the Spring Equinox this year, I did an SS1000 IN-CITY Insanity Okc. 1056 miles in less than 24 hours and never left Oklahoma City.
It sure is a big difference riding the Voyager instead of the KLR. Night and day comfort.

Here's the IN-CITY Insanity. I've rotated and saved the picture but it only loads it sideways. The loop is around 58 miles. The red is where I had to take detours because of construction and traffic. The turnpike is much more expensive but sure makes proving the ride easy with the pike pass records.
IN-CITY Insanity Oklahoma City
IN-CITY Insanity Oklahoma City
KX500 is Danger4u2
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Re: I.B.A. Rides

Post by Danger4u2 »

If anyone is interested in long distance endurance riding here's a link to the Iron Butt Association.

My rides
KX500 is Danger4u2
Go faster than everyone, you only have to look forward.
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