replacing Engine/Transmission Unit

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replacing Engine/Transmission Unit

Post by bdplayer »

I have a 2009 Voyager 1700. I am having trouble with 2nd gear slipping or pooping out around 4200 rpm but comes right back in. If I go easy it does not poop out at all.

I read the Kawasaki Forum that this is a common problem with 2009 Kawasaki Voyagers and that the only way to fix it, is to replace the engine/transmission unit. However Kawasaki does not make a replacement engine/transmission.

Does anyone who if I can put a newer model Voyager engine (say like 2018) into my 2009 Voyager frame?

I know the newer models have the KAM and Active Braking, so i will have to add that as well, but need to know if it will fit
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