Trailer size to transport an XII . . . .

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Trailer size to transport an XII . . . .

Post by Andy(SC) »

This may sound like a dumb question but I wanted to see if a 5'x8' landscape trailer is big enough to transport my '02 a few hundred miles from where the bike is now to my new location (after getting transferred)?

I'd probably bolt on a front wheel chock to hold it in place . . . .


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Re: Trailer size to transport an XII . . . .

Post by dapasda »

There is a discussion about hauling with landscape trailers on this site ... -info.html
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More interested in the overall length . . . .

Post by Andy(SC) »

I am not planning on using the trailer for any real long distance hauling (heck, riding is more fun that hauling anyway :-D )

I question is on the length of the trailer . . . . . with the drop gate in the rear. I can stiffen it by bolting in a sheet of plywood and can add a wheel chock in the front but wanted to make sure that the bike would fit on it and allow the gate to be raised.

The trailer I was looking at is: ... wr-1090202


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Re: Trailer size to transport an XII . . . .

Post by Tom(North Alabama) »

Did a bunch of hauling this summer...
The trailer needs to be over 8ft long if you are going to close the rear gate. The Voyager XII is almost 9ft long and 3ft wide. I got a v-nose 8 ft which gave me over 10ft length, and 5 ft wide was just about a perfect fit. Gave me about 8-10 inches in the fron and 4 or 5 in rear.
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The length was what I was worried about

Post by Andy(SC) »

Since I do not have the bike here I could not measure it . . . . . . so it sounds like even with the gate not fully up, the rear tire would stick off the end.

What about putting it on at an angle; i.e., front wheel in one corner, rear to the opposite?

I probably will trailer it very little - but I have a need for a trailer for other uses and space to store it when not being used is a consideration which is why I did not look for a longer one.

I guess renting a U-Haul trailer would get the bike here . . . . . they have the 4'x8' motorcycle trailer as well as a 5'x9' open trailer . . . . . .

Thoughts on the options; i.e., angle the bike on a 5'x8 landscape trailer vs. renting one?

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Re: Trailer size to transport an XII . . . .

Post by Mr Jensee »

The Voyager will exactly fit in a Uhaul motorcycle trailer. I've rented one here for about $14 a 24 hr. day.
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Re: Trailer size to transport an XII . . . .

Post by davidl »

I used a trailer just like you are describing to move a 1300 300 miles. I laid the ramp forward, used a single ramp to load the bike & tie downs. It did not move at all. You can not close the ramp if you use the one mounted on the trailer. The voyager is too long. A front wheel chock would be a good idea.
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Re: Trailer size to transport an XII . . . .

Post by jre258 in SoDak »

When I brought my XII home from DFW, I used my short box pickup. The rear tire was just inside the box on the main floor of the bed. Of course the tailgate had to be left open. I've also hauled it in an 8' pickup box. I was able to close the tail gate that time. So a 4' x 8' trailer shouldn't pose any problem at all.
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Re: Trailer size to transport an XII . . . .

Post by Nathan (South Carolina) »

Andy, the Voyager will fit inside of an 8 ft trailer but the trunk is what will prevent you from raising the drop gate on the trailer. The few times that I had to trailer my VXII was on an 8 ft trailer with no drop gate.
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Re: Trailer size to transport an XII . . . .

Post by Okie34 »

The 5X8 trailer can be used as long as you remove the drop gate. The wheel base is just barely short enough. It will not fit in at an angle.

On a side note, I have a friend who welds and we're planning to modify our 5X8 trailer to a V front with about 1.5 feet of clearance. That gives me enough clearance to use the drop gate. However, it will change the CG of the trailer and give it a heavier tounge weight. IMHO the bike is simply too heavy to not use a Front Wheel Chock. All it takes is one good bump and the bike to shift and your liable to lose it going down the highway.

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