Extinct Parts - Swing Arm Rubber Cap

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Extinct Parts - Swing Arm Rubber Cap

Post by robertmohr »

Has anyone found a solution to some parts that are no longer available? I done the Ebay and Craigslist thing but to no avail. I've contacted a dealer to have them check on a bolt pattern spacing that would fit my 86 1300 but I haven't heard back. The swing arm stop in later years has an inside mounting cover cap. I'm sure there is a stop from a different year that will fit on this bolt pattern. As I see it the bolt spacing is 33mm with 3 bolts. How difficult would it be for a Kawasaki to have a cross reference to other parts that would also fit a different year bike. I guess some thirteen year old kid will figure this simple database thing out someday.

Any ideas to help figure this seemly simple issue out would be appreciated.
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Re: Extinct Parts - Swing Arm Rubber Cap

Post by trikebldr »

Kinda confused what part you are inquiring about. The rubber cap over the adjuster on the outside of the frame, or the adjuster plate, with the three holes in it? If it is the adjuster plate and the pin the swing arm pivots on, they just listed a set of them the other day on eBay.
Several of the bike salvage dealers that sell on eBay have more parts available that they just don't bother to list on eBay. Sichley Cycle Parts in Salem, OR is one of the best. I go to them for the tiny odd parts. From what they are currently listing, I believe they have about four of the 1300's they are parting out. Good people to deal with, too! Not sure if I am supposed to list their phone here, but it is 503-399-7690. Or, just go to eBay and type in Kawasaki Voyager 1300 and most of what you will see is from them.
If you are looking for the pins and plates, I just can't imagine that Kaw would change the design on something like this from year to year. If you don't find it, let me know. I may be able to machine the parts for you. Ask Sichley first, though.
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Re: Extinct Parts - Swing Arm Rubber Cap

Post by robertmohr »

I'm looking for the rubber cap (11012) that covers the swing arm stop(32085).

It covers the metal swing arm adjustment plate.

To me, having a complete cover for this part would a continued plus for a good operational swing arm. The bolt pattern isn't odd so having a match from a new bike I think would be an easy fix but getting information on other Kawasakis that have this same bolt spacing seems to be top secret.
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Re: Extinct Parts - Swing Arm Rubber Cap

Post by trikebldr »

That rubber cap is one of those parts that will be impossible to find new, still in it's plastic wrapping and NOT CRACKED. I have seen two of them on eBay just now, but both were used and cracked around the edges, so they would do much about keeping crud out of the adjuster.

To address the concerns of swing arm pivot protection that the rubber cover took care of, all you need to do is use some Loctite sealant on the threads of the adjuster bolt/locknut, and on the face of the plate with the three bolts in it. That will seal it completely against water or dirt. My 1300 has one of the rubber covers missing and this is what I did. I would prefer to have the black rubber cover for aesthetics, but we can't have everything.
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