cb troubles

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cb troubles

Post by jack »

I have a 1700 voyager I am having a lot of CB problems it works sometimes then all of a sudden just when I really need it to work it does not work. I did purchase the right cb that hooks to my bike the first year it worked with a little bit of static next year it worked periodically and when I change the cb antenna to one that I made from one I had off of the Valkyrie It worked the best but It flew away as I was going down the road on my way to Reno. I got other antennas after I got home and it only works sometimes. even with the orginal antenna it only works sometime.
I am thinking of buying new cb but thought I would try to see if anyone has idea for me. Thanks
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Re: cb troubles

Post by hank43 »

Simply replacing the antenna with another one from a different bike may not properly work. You need to check the SWR with a meter and be sure it is within specs. (Ideally, you want to see as close to 1.1 to 1 ratios as possible) Your on-again-off again situation may be caused by the radio's transmitter just shutting down, because the SWR is too high. Find someone with an SWR meter to help check it all out - Do you know any Ham Radio operators that can help you? Also, did you add the cb yourself? does the installation have the correct coax wire between the antenna and the radio? Does the problem appear to be just the CB, or do other functions of the audio system (AM radio, FM radio, Weather Radio, Intercom system) also have problems? Have you checked for tightness on the antenna AND mount in the trunk? Is that chrome ground strap good and tight? Are there problems with the headphones? These radios are very complicated with many sub-parts, functions and features! Good luck!

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